We celebrated by having a pizza party at Bruno's with several family and friends. It was pretty mellow for the most part and the only "tragedy" was Griffin giving himself a bloody lip when he fell on one of the benches (although he only cried for maybe 1 minute and I don't think anyone but myself really noticed).
Morgan was funny to watch all day long. I sensed a bit of jealosy. She talked about what she was going to do for her next birthday all day long, and pouted come present opening time. It was funny, cute, and pathetic all at the same time.
Griffin receive soooo many gifts, with the common theme being McQueen and trucks, his favorites. His cake was a hit. I made it earlier that day. The kids helped me make the batter, but I didn't decorate it until they went down for a nap. I wanted it to be a surprise. Sure enough Griffin was super excited about his "Keen" cake. Every time someone new would arrive at the party, he just had to show them the cake. My goal was accomplished!
Here's some pics...more pics in the album: