Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Morgan!

Today is Morgan's 3rd Birthday. Can you believe it? I can't even comprehend the fact that 3 years ago I was in labor awaiting her arrival. And they say it only gets worse....hmph...bittersweet.
We had her official birthday party yesterday (Sun. 6/29) at the Doc Griffin Spray Park in Jacksonville. Except for the smoke lingering in the valley from the CA fires, it was a perfect day. Nice and hot! We chose to have her party at the J'ville waterpark because it's geared more toward smaller kids. At all the other waterparks around Medford and Ashland are a death sentence for any kids under the age of 6. Too many big and rude kids that have no problem mowing down the little kids. But the J'ville park is awesome...small and not too many people. Morgan wasn't much interested in going into the water at first (not a surprise). She just assume play on the nearby playground. But after we ate some lunch, opened gifts, and sang 'Happy Birthday', AND some coaxing from Dad (and Shelby), she actually tested the waters. She had a blast! Apparently the thing to do was to stick your tongue out and inch closer and closer to a fountain until it sprayed the kids right up the nose. LOL. The other "cool" thing was to play ring-around-the-rosie around one particular fountain.
We had a good turn out. Morgan's best friend Shelby came to the party, as well as Jake, Mason and Ella, John and Skyler, Gracie and Gage, and Makenna and Marissa. Of course I brought way too much food and slaved way too hard the day before over making the cupcakes that melted in the heat, but nobody except myself seemed to care. Morgan got lots of great girlie gifts - a Little Mermaid doll, a "laptop", a couple baby dolls with a stroller and bathtub, a few My Little Pony's, Dora doll, a princess crown, and a few other things that I can't remember. Needless to say, she's spoiled rotten, and she's loving every minute of it!
Here's a few pictures from the event. There's more uploaded to the photo albums, in case anyone is interested:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I try to stay out of touch with the whole Hollywood gossipmedia's all garbage to me. But I've heard rumors and have read a few articles that NKOTB (New Kids on the Block) are coming back, and it definitely caught my attention. After doing some looking online, sure enough, they have an upcoming album release and tour. My first reaction....WTF??!!! This followed by a good session of laughter, especially when I saw their website, and of course the video. Gotta love the dancing at the end.
First of all, aren't these guys like 40 now? Second of all, what the heck happened to my first love, Jordan? He used to be sooooo much cuter!!! But then again, how 'bout that lil' Joey? Pretty dang hot if I don't say so myself.
This whole thing just brought back so many memories. I remember being completely obsessed with these guys. I knew every song and remember having every square inch of my bedroom walls covered in NKOTB posters. I thought I was on top of the world the time my mom took me and a few friends to their concert up in Portland. We had the worst seats in the world, but it was awesome.
They must be trying to capture that same audience again....good for them (I guess). If they can make fools out of themselves while making a few million bucks, I say go for it! Hang tough!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of the best father's in my life!
Ryan - I could not ask for a better husband and Dad for my precious babies. Even though you can come across to some as being quite tough and serious, you are pure mush when it comes our kids. You are patient, affectionate, and loving, and I'm so happy we are "partners in crime" to raise two beatiful kids.
Dad (Bob) - Though we live far apart, you are still a hug influence on my life. You were a great Dad from the beginning and continue to be a great friend. Because of you, I've got my intelligence, creativeness, and great looks (of course)!
Bill - Could I really ask for a better Father-in-Law? Not a chance. You've given us so many things, and I hope you never forget how much we respect, love, and appreciate you!
Karl - You've made my mom so happy and I'm so grateful that you're part of our lives, Opa!
I love you all!

Friday, June 13, 2008

First Family Blog!

Ok, so I finally decided to start adding more content to our family website ( The first step was to try out this whole blogging thing. Being in the Internet Marketing world, you would've thought I would already have a blog, but my time is limited! So here it goes!