Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potty Training is the Pits!

Ok, so need to vent a little. Potty training sucks! This past weekend I ran into a high school friend with 3 kids. The 2 oldest were potty trained by 18 months, and her now 19 month old is doing great with potty training. Morgan, who just turned 3, has been "potty training" for almost a year and half now. She started to get interested a few months before she turned 2, and it's been a battle ever since. Two weeks on, two weeks off. And it's really hard to get excited now when she does show interest in the toilet. I must be jaded or something. The strange thing is that we never forced her into it, nor discouraged her in any way, but she has yet to get over this tiny hump. She knows when she has to go, she just doesn't. It's pretty much pure laziness. She also doesn't like to wear "pretty panties" whatsoever. The funny part is she'll go poop in the toilet no questions asked.
I've tried everything too...sticker charts, candy, special treats, tons and tons of praise, pull-ups, every type of underwear you can find....nothing does the trick. The past couple days, the Cool Alert pull-ups seem to work pretty well, but only if Morgan isn't distracted by playing or the TV or whatever.
Bottom line is, I think she's just not ready yet. And I really don't know where to go from here. Should I push it more, or should I just let her do her thing and let her potty train herself? Ugh! I don't know. I need professional intervention! Anyone know a Potty-Nanny 911?

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